Sunday, 14 April 2013

What's next?

1 comment :
I'm starting to worry that I'll be back next year auditioning. This isn't necessarily a bad thing or because I've been unsuccessful with the majority of my choices - it's more of a gut feeling, not that it won't happen, but that it won't happen this year. Some of the greatest actors on our screens waited years to be accepted in to a drama school. Of course, it won't be the end of the world if I take an involuntary gap year. It's just incredibly frustrating when you know exactly what you want to do and where you want to be and circumstances withhold you.

1 comment :

  1. Which schools have rejected you? And hey, I would like to know more of your theatre history/background : )

    Thank you for this amazing information you are providing fpr us!


Thank you for commenting - it means a lot to me when I hear feedback. I will try to reply as quickly as possible!